I am a Post Doctoral Associate at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) at MIT hosted by Prof. Ali Jadbabaie. I obtained my Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where I worked with Prof. Angelia Nedich and Prof. Alex Olshevksy.

PhD, Electrical and Computer Engineering. Illinois, 2018
M.Sc. Applied Mathematics: Optimization and Algorithms, Illinois, 2016.
M.Sc. Systems & Control, TUDelft, 2013.
B.Sc. Electronic Engineering, University of Antioquia, 2010.
Research Interests
I like all things distributed, my main research interest is the analysis of algorithms for distributed inference and social learning, and the fundamental limits of distributed optimization over networks. Click HERE for more details.
I’m Joining Rice University
On January 2021, I will be joining the ECE Department at Rice University as an Assistant Professor.
OPEN POSITIONS: I will be hiring students and postdocs on the broader area of distributed optimization and learning, optimal transport and decentralized control. If interested do not hesitate on contacting me
– ACCEPTED!!!! Our paper “Non-Bayesian social learning with uncertain models” has been accepted for publication on the journal IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. This is a collaboration with J. Z. Hare, L. Kaplan, and A. Jadbabaie.
-I will join the Editorial Board of the Journal of Machine Learning Research!
– ACCEPTED!!!! Our paper “Robust Optimization over Networks Using Distributed Restarting of Accelerated Dynamics” has been accepted for publication on the journal IEEE Control Systems Letters. This is a collaboration with Daniel E. Ochoa, Jorge I. Poveda, and Nicanor Quijano.
– ACCEPTED!!!! Our paper “A Dual Approach for Optimal Algorithms in Distributed Optimization over Networks” has been accepted for publication on the journal Optimization Methods and Software. This is a collaboration with Soomin Lee, Alexander Gasnikov & Angelia Nedić.
– ACCEPTED!!!! Our paper “Accelerating incremental gradient optimization with curvature information” has been accepted for publication on the journal Computational Optimization and Applications. This is a collaboration with Hoi-To Wai, Wei Shi, Angelia Nedić & Anna Scaglione.
– Three Invited Session Proposed for CDC 2020 on Distributed Optimization and Learning over Networks, in collaboration with Tao Yang, Jie Lu, and Angelia Nedich!
– Two papers submitted to CDC 2020 ! 1) One about a new (the first ever?) distributed restarting technique for distributed optimization in collaboration with the amazing Prof. Jorge I. Poveda. 2) Another one about an alternating minimization method for multimarginal optimal transport in collaboration with Pavel Dvurenchenskii, and Sasha Gasnikov.
– ACC 2020 and ICASSP 2020 papers accepted!
– I gave a virtual seminar at the SEMTE School at ASU on March 27th.
– I gave a virtual seminar at the ECE Department at the Unviersity of Maryland on March 25th-26th.
– I gave a virtual seminar at the Computer Science and Engineering Department at The Pennsylvania State University on March 19th.
– I gave a virtual seminar at the EECS Department at the Unviersity of Michigan on March 23th-24th
– I visited the ECE Department at Carnegie Mellon University on February 11th.
– I visited the ECE Department at Rice University on February 13th.
– I visited EE Department at Yale University on February 20th-21th.
-I visited the ISE Department at RPI on February 26th-28th.
– I visited ECE Department at Georgia Tech March 11-13.
-I visited the ECE School and the IE School at at Purdue Unviersity on March 9th and 10th.
– I gave a talk and presented a poster at The Graduation Day – 2020 Information Theory and Applications Workshop in San Diego.
-On January 13, I visited the Department of Mathematics at UCDavis, I had a great time sharing some of my current and future research.

- I was a member of the defense committee of Mr. Ananduta at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya in December. I gave a talk there too.

- I attended CDC2019 and gave 3 talks. I was also at the Meet the future faculty poster session.

- I’m very happy to be appointed as Visiting Professor for a period of 3 years, at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Phystech School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Hosted by Prof. Alexander Gasnikov.

-I gave a talk on Recent advances of distributed optimization at the QIPA2019 Conference
-I gave a talk on the basics of the distributed optimization setup at the LIDS & Stats Tea. Thanks to the student Committee for the invitation.
-I gave an 8-hour short course on Distributed Optimization and Learning at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota. October 9 and 10, 2019. More info HERE.
-I gave a Lecture on Recent Advances on Distributed Optimization and Learning at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, October 11, at 10am. More info HERE.
-I gave a Lecture on Recent Advances on Distributed Optimization and Learning at the Universidad de Antioquia, on October 16th at 4pm.
-Our joint paper on Optimal distributed convex optimization on slowly time-varying graphs has been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Control of Networks Systems!
-Four papers accepted to CDC 2019!, see you in France!
-Two invited Sessions accepted to CDC2019!